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Western vs Eastern Health Approaches

Western vs Eastern Health Approaches

Hi, I'm Matt.  I'm the creator of Health Beyond Hype and I took on this project because I took a long hard look at where we are as a country on the sphere of health, and was not impressed with the progress made. I've been in this field for over 20+ years and have been mystified why so many people are still moving down the path of drug intervention when they are clearly warned they have down stream affects that may show up years down the road.  I decided this company, HBH, would focus on providing our customers the best choice when it comes to "health care" instead of the western system of "sick care"  I have rooted all my protocols and products in the Eastern medicine philosophies because they have a track record of over 5,000 years of success.  Of course this success is only accomplished if the participant stays consistent with the practice to see the results.  If you are not familiar with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) or Eastern approach vs the Western approach, I've provided a few details below.

Western and Eastern medicine refers to two different systems of medicine. Western medicine prescribes specific drugs for a disease using a systemic approach, utilizing symptoms and separate organ systems to determine treatments.  In contrast, Eastern medicine focuses on treating the person as a whole rather than just their symptoms and approaches diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease in a holistic manner. This includes multiple factors that embrace the mind, body, and spirit. 

Western medicine practitioners diagnose illness by physically examining the body and the associated symptoms; diagnosing diseases and conditions using scientific evidence and using drug treatments, regardless of the side-effects.

In contrast, Eastern medicine treatments are also more holistic, with the goal of restoring balance through enhancing the organ/gland systems so you are treating the whole person.

Eastern medicine practitioners diagnose diseases by examining the entire body with a focus on imbalances in the person, while Western medicine makes diagnoses according to a person’s symptoms not factoring in the root of the issue, thus providing short term fixes.

Eastern medicine has a significant emphasis on prevention, and Western medicine generally focuses on using medications.

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