Blog Posts
Seaweed Supreme - Unlock Nature's Treasure
Dive into the the Health Wonders of Seaweed Supreme This product was crafted to provide nutrients and vitamins that will nourish, protect, and cleanse the Thyroid and Parathyroid in order...
Understanding the Importance of Stomach Acid
Most people confuse stomach acid with waste acids like lactic acid and uric acid for example. Stomach acid is Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), which is the only natural and beneficial acid...
Western vs Eastern Health Approaches
Hi, I'm Matt. I'm the creator of Health Beyond Hype and I took on this project because I took a long hard look at where we are as a country...
Are you Looking for more than a Symptom Based Approach?
Symptoms are the warning signals that something is amiss in the systems of the body. As you know you are a system of organs and glands, hence we refer to...
THE ONE - Charge Your Systems
The ONE product everyone should take every day because of its multi-faceted approach to your health from immune to gut to skin health along with boosting your energy and managing...
What's behind the HBH Cleanse Protocol?
The HBH Cleanse protocol has been created to help you understand how this process works from a clinical perspective. There are lots of "Cleansing" and Detoxing" protocols available on the...
Strengthening the GUT
Congratulations, you are taking the first STEP in building a stronger immune system, and healthier body for the long haul. You will hear over and over again about the organ/gland...
The Importance of Methyl Groups
Methyl groups represent a group of functions the Methylation process performs in the body. Think of these groups as the mechanism that allows the gears to turn, and therefore turns...
Get more Bang from Your Bucks
Is this you....taking a handful of "different supplements" in the hopes of staying healthy? Always trying to remember what you took and "if" you took it that day? If you've...
Feel Amazing
Why do many people eat healthy but still have low energy? How many times have you heard, "I've done everything right, but still have chronic issues"; I exercise and diet...
The "Missing" Piece
Health Beyond Hype (HBH) products are not supplements. A supplement is a product taken to boost what is already there. HBH sells vital micro-nutrients that supply the body with hundreds...
Understanding Cholesterol
Understanding what cholesterol really is and how it works in the body is your first step in making sure the numbers make sense to you. Every BODY is different so...