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Are you Looking for more than a Symptom Based Approach?

Are you Looking for more than a Symptom Based Approach?

Symptoms are the warning signals that something is amiss in the systems of the body.  As you know you are a system of organs and glands, hence we refer to you as a system.  When one of these is out of balance, it sets off a signal that something is not right and make you uncomfortable.  This red light goes off because the body is out of balance and in need of attention. 

Our society has been conditioned to respond to the symptom with something that will ease the discomfort, and not dig into what system went out of balance to cause the discomfort.  Do you think you wake up in the morning and that new pain in your knee or back just happened overnight because you slept wrong....think again.   If you allow yourself to start connecting the dots and work backwards from the symptom you will find the root of what is causing the discomfort.  

Lets looks at this scenario.....Lysine and vitamin C have long been touted as the cure for herpes, if that was the case don't you think herpes would be a non-event today.  Remedies like Lysine and vitamin c can provide relief from the symptoms and the embarrassment of an outbreak, but it never gets to the root of the issue, hence you have another breakout at the most inconvenient times, and buy again a remedy to attack the symptom.

You are a system of organs that all work together to give you the body that provides you life.    Knowing the basic fundamentals of how it works will provide you the knowledge you need to work backwards from the symptom to get to the root of the issue.

We are here to help you help yourself.  To provide you the knowledge on how to work backwards from the symptom to the root.  Sign up for a Personal Protocol to get started on your journey back to the body you thought was not possible. 



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